√完了しました! sandal wood trees are mostly found in 127592

While there are over 100 species of sandalwood plants, most varieties are native to India, Hawaii or Australia Depending on variety and location, sandalwood may grow as 10foottall (3 m) shrubs or trees up to 30 feet tall (9 m) They are often found in areas with poor, dry clay or sandy soils Sandalwood trees are tolerant of high windIt is the Australian Sandalwood tree (Santalum spicatum), the most commercially valuable tree in Australia Sandalwood Photo Shayne Thomson Commonly found in incense, perfumes and soaps, and hugely popular overseas, Australian Sandalwood has become a pillar of WA's forestry industrySandal Wood trees are mostly found in____ A) Trophical Evergreen Forests B) Tropical most Decidous C) Alpine forests D) Trophical Thorn Forests Answer D) Trophical Thorn Forests Explanation Subject World Geography Q



Sandal wood trees are mostly found in

Sandal wood trees are mostly found in-Sandalwood is an evergreen tree that belongs to the sandalwood family There are 16 species of sandalwood that can be found in Asia, Australia and on the islands in the Pacific Ocean Sandalwood grows on the sandy, loamy, clayey and rocky soil, in dry deciduous forest It can be also found in deserts, valleys and mountains (from the sea level to the altitude of 8000 feet)The sandalwood tree is an aromatic tree native to the tropics of Asia Some people use the term to refer generically to all trees in the Santalum genus, while others reserve it specifically for S album, also known as white or Nepalese sandalwood Many people around the world enjoy the tree and its products, since it has a distinctive rich



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Santaluminsulare – commonly found and grown in the South Pacific Islands (French Polynesia, Cook Islands) Santalumyasi – commonly found and grown in the South Pacific Islands (Fiji, Niue, Tonga, Samoa) Other names of Sandalwood Tree Sandalwood trees are known for its perfume and for its priced wood valueSandalwood • Acclimatization Introduction Sandalwood (Santalum album) is a hemiparasitic tree, occurring in semiarid areas from India to the South Pacific and the northern coast of Australia In India, it is mostly found in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra SandalwoodTeak, Sal, Shisham, Hurra, Mahua, Amla, Semul, Kusum, and Sandalwood, etc are the main species of these forests Hence, Statement 3 is correct Dry Deciduous forests They spread over regions that receive rainfall between cm These forests are found in the rainy areas of Peninsular India , Plains of Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar

Sandalwood comes in fifteen species, including East Indian sandalwood, Australian sandalwood, Hawaiian sandalwood, and Pacific Island sandalwood Sandalwood is a species found in dry deciduous forest such as India, Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines Among the most commercially grown plants in the world, sandalwood is best known for itsThe trees are welladapted to combat the dry winter season They are conservative water users and hence shed their leaves in time to reduce transpiration loss Hence they are known as deciduous trees (c) Species The commonly found trees are Mango, Neem, Shimul, Mahuya, Shirish, Sal, Teak, Arjun, Jarul, Amla, Tamun, Kusum, Kanju, Palas etcThe Indian sandalwood tree (Santalaum album) is perhaps the planet's most expensive wood, because of its cosmetic and therapeutic value There is

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Santalum album Linn commonly known as East Indian sandalwood or chandan belongs to the family Santalaceae It is highly valuable and becoming endangered species It is distributed all over the country and more than 90% lies in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu covering 00 sq kms Sandalwood plays an important role in the religious life of IndiansAnd 35°C It is the perfect temperature for good growth of sandalwood tree At 600 and 1050 meters altitudes, this sandalwood tree plant grows wellS album, commonly known as Indian Sandalwood, is a dry deciduous forest species native to China, India, Indonesia, Australia, and the PhilippinesThis small tropical tree grows to m high with red wood and a variety of dark colors of bark (dark brown, reddish and dark grey) Because it is strong and durable, S album is mostly harvested for its timber

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The largest supply of wildly grown Indian sandalwood comes from the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu in southern India The Santalaceae family includes 16 different sandalwood tree species worldwide (including the Australian sandalwood tree lat Santalum spictatum) and most of these contain essential oilsMost of the trees in the state shed their leaves in the dry season Tamil Nadu has large areas of sandal wood plantations, about 5, 8 8, 0 0 0 hectares Hard wood trees are available in the forests of Coimbatore, Nilgiris and Kanyakumari Trees that are used as fuel are found in Madurai, Coimbatore and Thanjavur districtsSisam It is an erect deciduous tree It is mostly used in furnitures industry Sandalwood It is found in the Karnataka forests It is used in making sandalwood oil and perfumes Sandalwood oil of Mysore is famous Eucalyptus It is another important tree of the Karnataka forests It is known for its lofty stature

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Invisible Killer Threatens India S Sandalwood Forests The Hindu

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Sandalwood Tree The Sandalwood tree is also known as the Santalum album The most costly wood on the planet could be sandalwood trees The best sandalwood assortment can bring a cost of up to Rs 10,000 for each kg The deal and preparation of sandalwood are completely leveled out of the public authoritySome woods are incredibly expensive while some are extremely rare By the way, sandalwood is generally considered expensive, which costs between Rs 3,000 andIt is commonly said, "While other tree species requires soil with good nutrients for its growth and establishment, Sandalwood trees grows well even though soil is not fertile" Several leaf types are found in sandalwood (kulkarni and Srimathi 1990) Most conspicuous among them are copper coloured plants

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At 1 500 Each These Aromatic Trees Are Very Precious Parasites

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Sandalwood is a slowgrowing wood with a rich, complex scent Indigenous to Southeast Asia, Sandalwood is one of the most expensive woods in the world It has a long history of use in the spiritual practices of both the East and West Sandalwood is laborintensive to propagate, as it requires both a host tree and adequate sunlight to nourish itself Sandalwood trees can take upSandal Wood trees are mostly found in a Trophical Evergreen Forests b Tropical most Decidous c Alpine forests d Trophical Thorn ForestsSandalwood occurs extensively mostly in the Eastern Ghats ranging from Vellore district in the North east of Tamil Nadu to the Nilgiris in the west in the dry deciduous forests of the region In Tamilnadu only dead and drying sandal trees are extracted and brought to depots for rough cleaning and

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Frequency of the first 12 most suitable host plants In our studies, we found that Cajanus cajan acted as the best primary host A primary host must have a life cycle of 1 or 2 years so that it does not compete with the sandalwood plant USE OF SANDALWOOD AND OIL Heartwood of the sandalwood tree is the most valuable partIt is likely that the Sandalwood trees found at this Big Island location were spared from the extreme extermination practices that were prevalent primarily in the first half of the nineteenth century when it was commercially viewed as Hawaii's first cash crop The deforestation of this tree was a relentless process as thousands upon thousandsSandalwood tree is well known for its fragrance and it belongs to the genus Santalum The wood is heavy, yellow, and finegrained, and it retains its fragrance for decades The oil of sandalwood is extracted from the woods for its scent There is no doubt that sandalwood is one of the most expensive woods in the world

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Sandalwood tree crop requires hot atmosphere and it grows better in humid climatic conditions Sandalwood tree cultivation also needs the temperature in between 12°Sandalwood has been highly esteemed in Asian cultures and religions for thousands of years, the traditional sandalwood sources being wild stands of East Indian sandalwood (Santalum album L) in south India and eastern Indonesia The most valuable portion is the heartwood found in the1 kg sandalwood price in India – Sandalwood price depends on the oil content of heartwood and weight of sapwood One sandalwood tree weight after 15 years might be between 1800 kg with 10, 1624 kg heartwood Sandalwood heartwood price is Rs 15,000 to ,000 per kg and Rs 6000 to Rs 6500 per kg, government price

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Red Sandal Wood or Red sanders are one of the most valuable tree species in Indian forestry The botanical name of the red sandalwood is 'Petro Carpus Santa Linus' It is an important export product that is highly traded illegally in the international market It provides significant cash incomes and adds considerable value to the nationalAnswer (1 of 4) Sandalwood is an evergreen tree that grows in Mysore and Coorg areas of Karnataka The sale of its wood and its oil is by law a monopoly of the government Anyone can grow it The only one you can sell it to is the govt Its been usedSpicatum, more commonly known as WA sandalwood WA sandalwood is one of Western Australia's oldest export industries, with the wood first leaving the State in 1845 Today the oils produced within the heartwood of sandalwood trees are highly valued internationally and are used in a range of products, including perfumes, soaps and cosmetics

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People uproot the whole tree to extract the sandalwood oil, which is mostly found in the roots and trunk The Kenya Forest Service, the government conservation body, was alarmed by the methods of harvesting This led swiftly to the 07 ban on its harvestingThe Sandalwood Trade Story As with other Hawaiian sandalwoods, ʻiliahialoʻe was subject to the Sandalwood trade from 1790 to the early 1800's Most of the sandalwood shipped from Hawaiʻi came from the lowlands and this species was one of those used in the trade 3,4Answer (1 of 5) Not a problem Hawaii (as part of the US) has six unique sandalwood species that exist nowhere else in the world The prized and fragrant sandalwood tree once grew in abundance in Hawaii So much so, the Chinese knew the islands

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